What’s the deal with home inspections?

How home inspections are being used in 2024


Dear clients and friends,

As we navigate Cincinnati’s real estate market, a notable topic has emerged: the evolving role of inspection contingencies in purchase offers. With Cincinnati poised to be one of the leading markets in the nation this year, understanding these shifts is crucial for both buyers and sellers alike.

A contingency, in essence, acts as a safeguard for buyers, allowing them to perform due diligence before finalizing a purchase. Among these, the inspection contingency is paramount, serving as a critical checkpoint in the home-buying process. However, the competitive climate of recent years has seen these contingencies often waived to strengthen offers amidst fierce bidding wars.

This year, though, the landscape is subtly shifting. While Cincinnati continues to be a market of high demand and low supply, prompting multiple offers on many homes, a slight market softening means buyers are becoming more selective. This evolution impacts how inspection contingencies are approached:

  1. Waiving Contingencies: For highly sought-after properties, some buyers may opt to waive inspection contingencies entirely, showcasing their commitment and competitiveness.
  2. Informational Purposes Only: Others may choose to conduct inspections without the intention of negotiating repairs or adjustments, using the findings solely to inform their purchase decision.
  3. Setting Caps: We may also see agreements where buyers and sellers set a maximum limit on the cost of repairs or concessions that may arise from inspection findings.

It’s important to remember that these trends, while indicative of the current market, are generalizations. Each property and transaction is unique, with its own set of circumstances and negotiations.

Navigating the real estate market, especially one as dynamic as Cincinnati’s, requires nuanced understanding and strategic foresight. Whether you’re considering selling your home or embarking on the journey to find your dream property, the role of inspection contingencies in your strategy should be carefully considered.

We’re here to guide you through these decisions, offering expert advice tailored to your unique situation. Feel free to reach out via call, text, email, or DM. Let’s discuss how these market dynamics affect you and how you can best prepare for success in Cincinnati’s thriving real estate market in 2024.

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Peter Chabris

Licensed in 2002, Peter launched The Chabris Group in 2007, which has earned the title of Cincinnati’s #1 real estate sales team since 2013. The team serves several hundred families every year and is recognized as the top sales team in Keller Williams’ Ohio Valley Region.